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 Join the fight for america's future

Our Mission is to preserve, promote and teach conservative values, morals and constitutional supremacy through unity, fellowship, leadership, community involvement, education, political activism and philanthropy.

Whether you are interested in attending events that support conservative values, taking classes that teach the constitution, having a voice in local government, becoming active in elections, or simply meeting like-minded individuals, we invite you to get involved. Email us directly,
join us on Facebook, or contact us using the form below.

Sign up for emails and be the first to hear about upcoming DCM events as well as other events around the shore.

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American Flags


Third Tuesday of the Month

7:00 PM

Mitchell's Martial Arts 

Salisbury, MD 21804

Come around to the back to enter.



Join us! New members always welcome.

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Conservative Values

We are Americans
with Conservative values, not party-driven

To have conservative values does not mean you are a Republican or a Democrat. You are not a racist, a white supremacist, or a person who does not love the diversity of our country and the differences between us. Having conservative values does NOT mean you don't want equality and opportunity for everyone. Our differences are what makes this country unlike any other country in the world. As conservatives, we support legal immigration. Almost every American has a . . .
The Constitution

 The US is a
Federal Republic

A constitutional republic is a state where the chief executive and representatives are democratically elected by the people, and the rules are established in a written

constitution.  The head of state and other representatives are elected, but they do not have uncontrolled power. What they may do is written in the constitution. If there is dispute about what the . . .

Join the Movement

United we stand,
divided we fall.
We are

United we stand . . . divided we fall. Delmarva Conservative Movement based in Wicomico County, MD is about fighting for everyone's constitutional freedoms and rights as Americans. Groups that divide, pit American against American and division has no place in this country. We believe in every American's right to speak, to think, to have an opinion, to make decisions for their . . .

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Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL

T-Shirts can be picked up at any of our events or to order, contact us via email.

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